Hello, today we will learn how to be fluent in English the easy way
• Do not watch movies in English with subtitles in your native / mother tongue
• Don't translate between two languages
•Do not be afraid to make mistakes
• Try to think in English
• Ask yourself questions in English, and answer them in the same language
• Practice speaking in English in front of a mirror
• Use social media to grow your vocabulary
• Use social media to help you improve your written English skills
• Chat in English when you use WhatsApp or Instagram
For me these are the secondary methods to improve and grow your English.
The number one tip I have for you is:
As you think, ask yourself and answer yourself in English, in your head:
On whatever occasion you find yourself waiting, at a reception, for example, you will practice English with your favorite person: yourself. The following tips will help you speak to yourself in English:
• Read your favorite books aloud
• Speak out loud with your thoughts, in English of course
• Use a mirror to practice, as this will give you a partner
• Use a voice recorder (your cell phone, for example) to record what you read or say (then you can hear yourself speaking in English and this will help you detect the strengths and weaknesses of your tone, your pronunciation and even your accent).