List of Daily Used English Words With Meaning

 Sure! Here’s a list of commonly used English words along with their meanings. This can be a great reference for expanding vocabulary and understanding everyday language.

List of daily used English words with meaning

Commonly Used English Words and Their Meanings

  1. Able - Having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something.
  2. About - On the subject of; concerning.
  3. Above - At a higher level or layer than.
  4. Accept - To receive or agree to something offered.
  5. Account - A record of financial transactions; a narrative of events.
  6. Across - From one side to the other.
  7. Act - To do something; a deed or action.
  8. Action - The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.
  9. Active - Engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.
  10. Add - To join something to something else; to increase in number or quantity.
  11. Address - The particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated; to speak to.
  12. Adult - A person who is fully grown or developed.
  13. Advice - Guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action.
  14. Advise - To offer suggestions about the best course of action.
  15. After - In the time following an event; later than.
  16. Again - Once more; another time.
  17. Against - In opposition to; in contrast to.
  18. Age - The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.
  19. Agree - To have the same opinion or to consent.
  20. Air - The invisible mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and is necessary for breathing.
  21. All - The whole quantity or extent of a particular group.
  22. Allow - To give permission for something to happen.
  23. Almost - Very nearly but not quite; not completely.
  24. Already - Before the present time; by this time.
  25. Also - In addition; as well.
  26. Always - At all times; on all occasions.
  27. Am - First person singular present of "to be."
  28. Amount - A quantity of something.
  29. And - A conjunction used to connect words or clauses.
  30. Another - An additional one; different from the one previously mentioned.
  31. Any - Used to refer to one or some of a thing, no matter how much or how many.
  32. Anyone - Any person; whoever.
  33. Anything - Any object, event, or matter.
  34. Appear - To come into sight; to seem.
  35. Apply - To make a formal request; to put to use.
  36. Approach - To come near or nearer to something in distance or time.
  37. Area - A region or part of a town, a country, or the world.
  38. Argue - To give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory.
  39. Ask - To request information or an answer.
  40. At - Used to indicate a location or position.
  41. Attention - Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.
  42. Avoid - To keep away from or stop oneself from doing something.
  43. Back - The rear surface of the human body; to support.
  44. Bad - Of poor quality; not satisfactory.
  45. Be - To exist; to live.
  46. Because - For the reason that; since.
  47. Become - To begin to be something; to grow into.
  48. Before - Earlier than; prior to.
  49. Begin - To start; to commence.
  50. Believe - To accept something as true, genuine, or real.
  51. Better - Of a more excellent or effective type.
  52. Between - In the space separating two points, objects, or regions.
  53. Big - Of considerable size, height, weight, or capacity.
  54. Bigger - Larger in size or amount.
  55. Both - Used to refer to two things or people together.
  56. Bring - To take or carry someone or something to a place.
  57. Build - To construct something by putting parts or materials together.
  58. But - Used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
  59. By - Indicating the means of achieving something; beside.
  60. Call - To speak to someone or summon them; a request or command.
  61. Can - To be able to; a container.
  62. Cannot - The negative form of "can," indicating inability.
  63. Care - The feeling of concern or interest.
  64. Carry - To support and move someone or something from one place to another.
  65. Case - An instance of a particular situation; a container.
  66. Cause - A person or thing that gives rise to an action or condition.
  67. Change - To make or become different; an alteration.
  68. Check - To examine something in order to determine its accuracy or quality.
  69. Child - A young human being.
  70. Choose - To select from a number of alternatives.
  71. Circle - A round shape; to move in a circular path.
  72. Class - A group of students; a category of things.
  73. Clear - Easy to perceive or understand; free of obstruction.
  74. Close - To shut something; near in distance.
  75. Cold - Having a low temperature; lacking warmth.
  76. Come - To move or travel toward the speaker.
  77. Common - Occurring, found, or done often; usual.
  78. Complete - Having all the necessary parts; finished.
  79. Continue - To persist in an activity or process.
  80. Control - The power to influence or direct behavior or the course of events.

This list can be expanded further or tailored to specific needs. It includes fundamental words that are essential for daily communication, making it a useful resource for learners and speakers alike! If you need more words or specific categories, let me know!

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